I wrote about a mysterious VHS tape and a Total Slacker music video for VICE slaphappyvice

I have this VHS tape labeled “Slap Happy” that was given to me by a friend who works as a porn actress. She doesn’t remember where it came from. The first hour of the tape is this weird old lady doing some kind of calisthenics routine for seniors around the edge of her bed. It involves a lot of clapping. There is no soundtrack and she does not talk at any point. I’m not sure whether it’s actually a workout video or performance art or what, but it is one of the most hypnotic and creepy things I’ve ever seen.

About a year ago I brought it over to Tucker’s house so we could watch it on the roof along with Nightmare on Elm Street 3 while drinking beer with our shirts off. At some point I got drunk and left without the tape, which gave Tucker the opportunity to steal its contents and make a music video for his band. The song is called “Life On Easy Street (uCouldDieInBedstuy)” and it’s about how life is pretty easy but the video kind of suggests that you could die in Bed-Stuy. I predict that if Tucker dies in Bed-Stuy it will be from falling off of his roof while making videos.

Read at Vice Magazine: LIFE ON EASY STREET - Viceland Today